Friday, March 14, 2008

That kinda face

I've decided that I must just be one of those people with that kind of face...

1. I went into the best coffee shop in Dublin this morning and asked for a white coffee and was surprised that it cost me €3 - the same as a cappachino in the same place. oh well i couldn't be arsed arguing so if it's as nice as the cappachino i'll be happy...
The guy making the coffee said something so i just said "yep, white coffee, white coffee, yes white coffee" (In a loud enviornment I have a tendancy to repeat things before I'm asked to) "Flat white? or white coffee?" he asks confused face at this point must have worked better than my "fuck off face" of late... "By a white coffee I mean an americano with milk or do you want a flat white" eh...wha...? I'm used to just the option of tea or coffee, as much as I love my coffee I really don't know the difference between this bean, that bean or the other... So he made me a flat white saying that if i usually take one sugar that this would be sweet enough do go without - then he asked me to taste it cause if I didn't like it that he would make me another...It was lovely...Now I'll feel like a right conniseur next time i go get coffee - yay!!

2. On the bus two elderly (in comparisson to me) people were having a chat and they just brought me into it, about radio, betting and getting to right place in town on a bus (obviously not my forte)

I just must have that - "She won't mind" face...

I guess it's better than the time i was told i had mastered the "Do not go anywhere near me, fuck off and leave me alone" face

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